We are proud to offer free standard shipping for orders of $39 or more.
We make every effort to ship your order as soon as possible! Most orders ship within 24 hours, and many orders ship even faster.
How much does shipping cost?
We offer FREE standard shipping for orders of $39 or more, shipped within the 48 contiguous states, Alaska and Hawaii. For any order under $39, we charge a flat-rate fee of $5.99 per order.
What are your shipping methods and transit times?
We ship all orders by UPS or USPS. Since we ship from multiple warehouses, most orders are delivered within 3 days, and many orders much faster.
How do I qualify for free shipping?
Orders with a total value of $39 or more (after any applied discounts) that are shipped to any of the 50 US states automatically qualify for free shipping.
Do you ship internationally?
At this time, we do not ship internationally. We have plans to offer an international shipping option in the near feature.
Can I track my order online?
Yes. Once your order has been shipped, you will receive an email with your tracking number and shipping method (UPS or USPS). You can then track your order online at either or
Do you accept returns?
For any unopened item, with both safety seals still intact, you can return the item. Because of FDA regulations, we cannot accept returns on opened items (any item with one or both safety seals broken). However, if there is a problem with your order, please let us know and we will do what we can to make it right. Our goal is that every customer is thrilled with our products and service!
What if my package gets lost or damaged?
If you notice any issue with the shipping of your order or a problem in transit, please contact our customer service for assistance.
Questions? Comments? Feedback? We are always hear to help! Please feel free to email us any time at, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.